Sunday, 25 March 2018

Pelopor Perubahan Bangsa Indonesia

Kita tinggal dalam suatu dunia yang mana waktu terus berjalan maju . Seiring berjalannya waktu banyak terjadi perubahan dalam dunia ini . Dan dunia pun berubah ubah dari masa ke masa , dari tahap ke tahap, dari zaman ke zaman . Seperti contohnya dari zaman batu , zaman logam , hingga masa modern sekarang ini.

Begitu juga manusia , seiring berjalannya waktu manusiapun terus tumbuh dan berkembang (berubah) melalui masa atau tahap berbeda – beda . Seperti contohnya dalam lingkungan pendidikan manusia melewati masa SD , masa SMP , masa SMA , hingga masa Pergutuan TInggi . Hampir semua itu di lalui manusia . Dan tentu saja terdapat perbedaan pada setiap masa yang dilaluinya itu . Khususnya pada masa perguruan tinggi.

Pada saat manusia (remaja) memasuki tahap perguruan tinggi mereka akan melewati suatu tahap perubahan identitas dari siswa menjadi mahasiswa . Perubahan identitas ini bukan hanya sekedar perubahan kecil . Tapi perubahan identitas ini juga disertai dengan adanya perubahan perubahan-perubahan yang lebih kompleks.

Yang mana kita ketahui masa mahasiswa itu sangat berbeda dengan masa siswa (masa SMA) . Dari lingkungan pendidikannya , cara belajarnya hingga peran serta fungsi yang di emban oleh para mahasiswa.

Sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan oleh pihak penyelenggara MPA (Masa Pengenalan Akademik) dalam tulisan ini saya akan menjelaskan salah satu fungsi mahasiswa , yaitu agent of change.
Pengertian dari agent of change adalah orang-orang yang bertindak sebagai katalis atau pemicu terjadinya sebuah perubahan . Seperti pengertian tersebut , fungsi mahasiswa disni dituntut untuk menjadi pelor suatu perubahan . Namun perubahan apa yang harus diperbuat oleh mahasiswa?
Sebenarnya banyak perubahan yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa . Tetapi sesuai judul essay saya , saya akan lebih menitik beratkan pada perubahan bangsa Indonesia.

Pada masa sekarang ini , negara kita mengalami banyak permasalahan . Permasalahan – permasalahan itu bukanlah permasalahan yang bisa di anggap enteng , permasalahn – permasalahan tersebut sudah sangat kompleks . Lantas apakah bangsa ini akan terus tetap bertahan dengan permasalahan – permasalahan yang timbul di dalamnya?

Maka itu lah diperlukan adanya suatu perubahan . Lantas siapa yang dapat merubahnya ? Tentu saja para mahasiswa yang ada di negeri ini.

Sebagai seorang “agent of change” harus dapat merubah negara ini kearah hal yang lebih positif . Perubahan – perubahan itupun juga bisa dilakukan pada saat menjadi mahasiswa dan bahkan pasca menjadi mahasiswa , serta juga dapat dilakukan dari skala kecil hingga skala besar.

Seperti contohnya skala kecil , yaitu ikut terjun langsung dalam lingkungan masyarakat dan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang telah diembannya dalam menangani berbagai permasalahan  yang ada dimasyarakat.
*Jika diuraikan :
1. Mahasiswa dapat membantu dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan bakti sosial
2. Mahasiswa dapat membantu dalam membantu kalangan yang minim pendidikan dengan menjadi tenaga pendidik
3. dan masih banyak lagi

Dan juga contoh skala besar , yaitu dengan ilmu yang di embannya selama masa pendidikan , kelak mahasiswa akan menjadi pemimpin – pemimpin bangsa Indonesia yang akan merubah bangsa ini kearah yang lebih baik. 

Mission Possible : Agent 96

Hello everyone! This is my drama script from my english class in high school. I was presented it in 11th grade and it made my teacher proud of my team (cause of this akward stories). Hope this can inspire you to make a drama script or hope this can entertain you a bit, lol. 

Mission Possible : Agent 96

In 2020 the business market has been rapidly growing. These thing bring a great impact to the economic of the world. But in fact behind all that thing,  there is a secret that is little known by people.
Indonesia March 20, 2020
Agent 6           : So, who is our next target?
Agent x           : Wait for your partner
Agent 6           : Hmmm…
Agent 9           : Assalammualaikum, im sorry im late..
Agent x           : Always late…..
Agent 9           : Waw… Seems I’ve got a new partner. Yo Bro !!!
Agent 6           : ……
Agent x           : Please welcome, agent 6, your new partner, agent 9.
Agent 6           : Okay
Agent 9           : ……. I think you need refreshment…
Agent x           : OK lets start our meeting. Our next target is one of the leader from underworld.
Agent 9           : Waww !!! underworld??? Is it loki??
Agent x           : ……… He have a big corporation called Nomico. It was a clean corporation. But, behind that, he was controlled the business of the underworld. He sells weapon, drugs, and even supports the conflict in the middle east.
Agent 9           : Wawwww !! sounds interesting !! So who is that guy?
Agent x           : His name is Apoy. From chineese.
Agent 9           : ………… interesting….. . So how we can catch him?
Agent x           : Ya. Its hard to catch him. He have many protection from many side, even the goverment. You have to catch him when he was doing transaction. Because it would be very strong evidence. And to do that, you two will camouflage into his colleagues from skyline corporation. As hans and mark.
Agent 9           : Okay !!! lets do this thing 6 !!!!
Agent 6           : Ya.

After the meeting, Agent 9 & 6 are preparing all they need to do in this operation. And at March 25, 2020 Agent 9 & 6 decided to go to Economic Core corporation located in Singapore.

Receiptsionist  : Halllo good morning Sir, Welcome to Nomico corporation.
                          I am Rika Destiana, What could I do for you?
Agent 9           : Good morning, my name is Hans. And this is my partner (pointing at 6)
Agent 6           : Mark.
Agent 9           : ………..  We are from Sky Line Corporation.  Could we meet Mr. Apoy?
Receiptsionist  : I am sorry sir, Mr. Apoy is currently not here. He was having a Business Trip in   Japan and would be come back next week.
(Agent 9 & 6 Starring each other)
Agent 9           : Could we meet him next week?
Receiptsionist  : Yes, you could Sir.
Agent 9           : When would be a good times?
Receiptsionist  : You would meet her on Monday at 10.00 o’clock be good for you.
Agent 9           : That would be fine. 
Receiptsionist  : Can I ask your phone number to confirm about this?
Agent 9           : Yes, sure.

*receptionist give their a piece paper to write theirs email and the visitors was writing their email*
Receiptsionist  : Do you need anything else, Sir?
Agent 9           : Yes, Mrs. Where is the toilet?
Receiptsionist  : Oh, the toilet in the next lift. Go straight and turn left.
Agent 9           : Ok. Thank you.
Receiptsionist  : You are, very welcome. We would call you if Mr. Apoy is free. 
Agent 9           : Fine, We are so appreciate. Mmm… anyway I trust my friend to you. He need a little refreshment (whispering to the Receiptsionist) . Wait for me  6 , I mean Mark.
Agent 6           : Okay.
*Play romantic song
Agent 9           : C’mon Mark!
Agent 6           : ……….. (Keep in Silence)
Agent 9           : Oh my god…. You are really need refreshment ! Lets play naruto in the hotel tomorrow !

After that visit, agent 9 & 6 is decided to do a refreshment. They are playing naruto ultimate ninja storm 3 in their hotel. 26 March, 2020

Agent 9           : Hallo ! Agent 9 Here/
Secretary 1      : Hallo, Agent 9….??? Im sorry, is this Mr. Hans from Skyline Corporation?
Agent 9           : Oh… Ya.. ya !! Hahaha! Yes Iam Hans from Skyline Corporation. Im sorry, Iam just playing aroung with my friend. Hehehe..
Secretary 1      : I’m Mr. Apoy Secretary  from Nomico  Corporation want to discuss a meeting with you
Agent 9           : Ah yes of course.
Secretary 1      : I would to say sorry.. Mr. Apoy are not going to Singapore next week. After his business trip from japan, He is going to Indonesia. 
Agent 9           : Oww… Its okay ! mmmm… Could we meet him in Indonesia ?
Secretary 1      : Let me check… , Yes he is free at April 10. 
Agent 9           : Wait let me check our schedule first. (checking his schedule) Yes i think we are   available
Secretary 1      : That’s great Mr Hans. How about we meet at lunch?
Agent 9           : yes i think it’s a good idea. So where can we meet?
Secretary 1      : well, there is Kembang Restaurant near our hotel. so i suggest we meet there
Agent 9           : Ok then, see you tomorrow . bye
Receptionist    : Yes, see you tomorrow. bye
Agent 9           : Yeah ! We got what we want !
Agent 6           : What?
Agent 9           : We will meet that guy at April 10 in Kembang Restaurant ! We have to prepare everything !
Agent 6           : Great

Agent 9 and 6 agreed to meet Mr. Apoy. Agent 9 and 6 pretend that they are consumer of his product and ordered before. They are booked a private room on a restaurant. Unluckily, there is a problem. He has been waiting for one hour but Agent 9 and 6 haven’t come.

April 10, 2020

Apoy               : could you call Mr. Hans again? I have been waiting for one hour!

Secretary 1      : yes, sir *calling agent 9 again* I’m sorry sir, there still no answer.

Apoy               : are they trying to insult me?! *shake his head*

Secretary 2      : as far as I know, Jakarta has a crowd traffic. Especially, this is lunch time. Every people usually going out to have some lunch.

Apoy               : is this their habit??! Poor them...

Narator            : after 5 minutes, Agent 9 and 6 come

Agent 9           : hello, good afternoon. I’m Hans *ask for hand shake to Mafia Boss*

Apoy               : *stand up with an anger face* *clenching his right hand and his left hand cover his right hand* I’m apoy and this is my secretaries, Ling and Lung

Agent 9           : sorry for coming late. Jakarta has a traffic problem *laughing*

Apoy               : that’s not an excuse for me *straring at them*

Agent 9           : I’m so sorry for our tardiness. Oh, this is for you as your welcoming gift *giving the gift*

Apoy               : *change his expression slowly* *receiving the gift* thank you... And I have something for you also.

Secretary 1      : *giving the gift*

Agent 6           : *receiving the gift* Thank you

Apoy               : let’s have a seat.

*they’re sitting down*

Secretary 2      : So, do you want to see your product that you have ordered?

Agent 6           : let’s have some lunch first. My stomach is quite hungry *rubing his stomach*

Apoy               : please call the waiters.

Secretary 1      : *pick the room’s phone* hi, I’m from room 007. I want to order now

Waiter             : I’ll be there. Thankyou for waiting *go to room 007*
                         *knock the door* excuse me *entering the room**giving the menu*

Secretary 1      : so, what is the most delicious food from Indonesia?

Agent 9           : I suggest Mr Apoy to try Rendang. It is spicy meats, cooked by coconut milk and a paste of mixed ground spices.

Secretary 2      : hm... We, Chinese people, don’t really like foods with much seasoning.

Waiter             : sorry, for interupting. But, could you mind if I suggest a menu for you?

Secretary 1      : yes, please.

Waiter             : you could try Mie Bangka. It’s a noodle, added by cucumber and sprout
served with seafood broth.

Secretary1       : sounds delicious, I order that one. How about you?

Agent 6           : Satay.

Agent 9           : C’mon 6, you have to be polite *whispering to 6*. I’d like to eat gado-gado.

Secretary 2      : gado-gado? What is that?

Agent 9           : some boiled vegetables and mixed with peanut sauce. Let’s say that gado-gado is Indonesia’s salad.

Secretary 2      : I think I’d like to try gado-gado

Secretary 1      : could you suggest me some food? I’m not really familiar with Indonesia’s traditional foods.

Waiter             : it would be great if you try Bandeng Presto. A fish cooked in pressure cooker and serve with Sambal Terasi and rice. The cook process makes the fish bones become soft.

Secretary 1      : wow, I never think before that I could eat fish bones. But, I’m going to try it

Waiter             : okay. How about the drinks?

Agent 9           : let me suggest you a soup. Dont you like it? I read that Chinese people usually eat some soup after eat their main course.

Apoy               : yes, please.

Agent 9           : please give us one bowl of Sop Iga

Waiter             : okay, I got your dish. How about the drinks?

Secretary 2      : give us 3 bottles of beer.

Agent 9           : sorry, but we’re Moslem and we don’t drink it.

Secretary 2      : oh, I don’t know about it. Just give us one two pitchers of orange juice.

Waiter             : okay. I’ll take the menu but left one, so if you want to order again, you can choose and use the phone. Thankyou *leave the room*

Agent 9           : So…. how are your business?

Secretary 1      : it’s good but we have some problems to distribute our product. Every country has different policy to import products and we need to find the way to send our products until arrive at our costumer’s hand.

Agent 9           : it’s because the globalization era. Trading becomes easier but the policy also tightened.
Agent 6           : Its hard.

Apoy               : but I have to face it, right? *laughing out loud*

*waiter come and bring two pitchers of orange juice*

Waiter             : this is your order *serve the orange juice*

Secretary 2      : thank you

*waiter leave the room again*

Apoy               : *take one pitcher* let me pour some juice to you

Agent 9           : thank you

Apoy               : *do the same thing to agent 9* shot? *asking for shot*

*they are all joining*

Mafia Boss      : for our business! Cheers!

*drink the juice*

Agent 9           : it’s feels nice. Could I see my order?

Secretary 2      : I’ll take it for you *leave the room*

Behind all over this,  Agent 9 and 6 put a hidden mic so Agent X can hear their conversation

Secretary 2      : *giving the box* this is your order. You could check it first

Agent 9           : I’m going to check it *slowly open the box*

suddenly, Agent X entering the room with a gun on her hand.

Agent X          : put your hands up and don’t ever dare to move! Mr. Apoy you are under arrest !

Secretary 1&2 : *freezing*

Apoy               : you’re lying to me! *staring angrily*

Agent 9           : I paid for deceive people like you *joining Agent X*

Agent 6           : Yeah !

Suddenyly, Ling raise from her seat and discard agent x weapon’s. And Mr. Apoy runaway.

Secretary 1      : How dare you !

Agent 9           : No ! x take care of this kong ! we will catch that guy !

Agent x           : O… Okay….

Mr. Apoy are runaway to the rooftop of the restaurant. Agent 9 & 6 are trying to catch him.

Apoy               : How dare you trying to catch me !!

Agent 9           : You have done a lot of crime apoy !!

Apoy               : Crime??? Hahaha !!! I call it business !! (apoy raising his gun and shot it to them )

Agent 9           : Oh my god !!! He have a gun !!! AAAA !!! We are going to die ! Wea re going to die !!! AAAA !!!

Agent 6           : Shut up ! *punch agent 9*

And the show still remains !!

Agent 6           : You are gonna to die Mr Apoy !!!

Apoy               : Hahahaha !!! who you think you are ??

Agent 6           : Arghhh !!!

Apoy               : Okay ! lets do this with the old styles !! *show a knife to agent 6*

Agent 6           : I like an old style !!

Apoy               : Don’t you dare to underestimate me ! Im the 1st winner of wing chun national championship in china !!

Agent 6           : Wawww !!! lets see how strong you are !!!

Agent 6 are going to lose against Mr. Apoy. But…

Apoy               : This is the end of your life Mark !! oh… or I should call you agent 6 !! hahahahah !!!

Agent 9           : Don’t you dare to do that to my partner !!!!

Agent 6           : Thanks 9 !!

Agent 9           : Ahahaha you’re welcome ! I think you’ve got your refreshment ! hahaha

Agent 6           : hahaha yeah !

Agent 9           : Mission Complete ! *wearing sunglasess*

Agent 6           : Yo ! *wearing sunglasess*

Finally, the Mafia Boss, apoy was defeated.  and his secretaries taken to the Agency Head Quarters to further process. Remember that every action you do, there must be a return. And, dont ever try to lie to polices.

I am Going to Netherland!

Is it only about 1,5 years left in university for me. Its make me have to think what I have to do to use the rest of my campus’ life and what I have to do after I become bachelor. Well… I have to ensure things that im going to do is those who give benefits for me or others.

In this 1,5 years left im going to participate in many competitions such as debate, paper, essay, etc. Because participating in some competition its not only about myself, but its also about how to make proud my university. Beside that, im planning to participate in some volunteering or exchange program in other countries. Because it is one of my dream that I should to go abroad before I graduate.

After I graduated from university, I have a lot of choices to choose. But the big choices is about to choose between getting a work or continuing my study. Well… maybe a great possibility comes with getting a work first then continuing my study.

But I have a big dream to continuing my study at Erasmus University of Rotterdem, Netherland either for accounting, auditing, and control, finance and investment, or management of innovation. To make that dream come true, I have to prepared well. I have to make sure that i have a good capability, have a good english, match with eligibility, etc. For me go abroad and continuing study is not only to getting a higher degree, but its about how we could see from different side and how we (indonesian) compete in global community.

I’m Solo Fighter

Have you ever dream about something? I believe, everyone have it’s own dream. And so do I, I have a lot of dream that I should realize it. At least, I would like to introduce my self, a solo fighter who have a lot of dreams.

Hello readers, my name is Akbar Kurnianto, The one who studied at Universitas Negeri Jakarta in study program Bachelor of Accounting. I was born in Bekasi, September 9th 1997 and at that time, I thought Indonesia was in a hard situation. I have no brother nor sister and because of that, I called myself as a “Solo Fighter”.

Everyday, I usually use my “Baby R6” (motorcycle) to go to Campus. I’d love motorcycle so much and also, I know many thing about it. Such as, the new type of entry-level sport motorcycle, Honda CBR 250 RR and even the big wing edition, Honda CBR 1000 RR. For me, motorcycle is kind of “way of life”.

Beside that, im also a college student who active in some organization, such as Student Government (BEM) of Faculty of Economic Universitas Negeri jakarta.Exactly, im part of Social Political Department who have domain activity to oversee many kind of issue in my country. And not only that, in social domain, we have to work to help many people outside there who need us. To be the part of Student Government (BEM) give me many kind of experience.

And at least, let us discuss about my dreams. Earlier, I have told you that I have a lot of dream. Let me mention it, I have dreams about that someday I will be the best graduate, I wil have Honda CBR 250 RR, someday I will make my parents to be the happiest parents in the world and… it’s still so many dreams. But, for now, my biggest dream is about to continue my study in Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherland.

Ya, for me, knowledge is one of the most necessity for our life. With knowledge we can make a better life for us and for other people. And because of that I really wish I could study in University of Amsterdam, Netherland, study program Master of Accounting and Control.

Inilah Akuntansi

Dalam perkembangan dunia global yang semakin modern, komponen ekonomi menjadi hal yang tidak luput dari perkembangan tersebut. Ekonomi dalam kaitannya dengan berbagai hal memiliki cakupan yang begitu luas. Seperti halnya demand and supply, modal, entitas bisnis, dan tidak terlepas Akuntansi.
Akuntansi yang kini menjadi salah satu hal yang diperlukan oleh banyak entitas bisnis di dunia juga memiliki topik bahasan tersendiri, khususnya pendidikan. Sebelum bergerak lebih jauh, ada baiknya kita mengetahui definisi dari akuntansi. Menurut American Institute of Certified Public Accounting (AICPA) (dalam Effendi, 2015:1), Akuntansi adalah seni pencatatan, penggolongan dan pengikhtisaran dengan cara tertentu dan dalam ukuran moneter, transaksi, dan kejadian-kejadian yang umumnya bersifat keuangan dan termasuk menafsirkan hasil-hasilnya.”
Menurut Harahap (2012:4), Akuntansi lahir dari lingkungan ekonomi kapitalis. Ilmu Akuntansi ini memberikan informasi tentang kekayaan itu dari mana sumbernya. Utang atau Modal (Neraca), berapa kenaikanya secara periodik (Laporan Laba Rugi). Hal inilah yang menjelaskan mengapa akuntansi begitu penting dalam dunia ekonomi.
Berlanjut kepada bahasan pendidikan, nyatanya akuntansi mendapatkan posisinya tersendiri dalam lingkup pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan tinggi. Akuntansi yang menjadi salah satu program studi yang paling diminati di Indonesia mengajarkan kepada para mahasiswa tentang berbagai hal. Antara lain tentang perhitungan aset, ekuitas, dan juga hutang dari suatu entitas bisnis.
Materi perkuliahan yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa program studi akuntansi akan menjadi dasar bagi mereka setelah lulus dari perkuliahan. Bukan hanya menjadi seorang akuntan biasa, tetapi selepas kerja nyatanya terdapat peluang pekerjaan yang begitu besar bagi mahasiswa akuntansi. Sebut saja auditor, analis keuangan, perbankan, hingga tenaga pengelola keuangan negara adalah lahan pekerjaan yang akan ditapaki oleh para akuntan itu.

Harahap, Sofyan Syafri. 2012. Teori Akuntansi. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo

Effendi, Rizal. 2015. Prinsip-prinsip Akuntansi Berbasis SAK ETAP Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.